RNF138 and LNX2

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 22493164)
  • 2
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (two hybrid)



Gene Name ring finger protein 138, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase ligand of numb-protein X 2
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 13 interactors: APP C6orf165 LEF1 LNX2 PCBP4 QKI TAF9 TCF4 TRIM8 UBE2D2 UBE2D4 UBE2K UBE2W 17 interactors: CBX4 CXADR HOXA1 IGSF5 LNX1 MDGA1 NUMB PDZRN3 PDZRN4 PKDREJ RLIM RNF138 SHISA2 UBE2I UBE2T UBE2Z USP2
Entrez ID 51444 222484
HPRD ID 11508 10042
Ensembl ID ENSG00000134758 ENSG00000139517
Uniprot IDs Q8WVD3 Q8N448
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
20s  aggravates  bag6  d139e  dnajb1  ef1a  foetal  hsp70s  map1a  map1b  mesencephalic  microtubule  multifunctional  neurones  neuroprotection  nigra  ohda  opn  osteopontin  pleiotrophin  pull  rgd  sgtalpha  sn  substantia  surviving  utilised  y165a  yth 
amplicons  aneuploidy  behind  candidates  colorectal  copy  crc  dis3  downregulated  drivers  gains  gpr180  imbalances  klf5  landscape  mapping  notch  nupl1  offering  oncogene  polr1d  pomp  profiling  rnai  silencing  slc7a1  tcf7l2  unfinished  wnt 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
20s  aggravates  bag6  d139e  dnajb1  ef1a  foetal  hsp70s  map1a  map1b  mesencephalic  microtubule  multifunctional  neurones  neuroprotection  nigra  ohda  opn  osteopontin  pleiotrophin  pull  rgd  sgtalpha  sn  substantia  surviving  utilised  y165a  yth 
amplicons  aneuploidy  behind  candidates  colorectal  copy  crc  dis3  downregulated  drivers  gains  gpr180  imbalances  klf5  landscape  mapping  notch  nupl1  offering  oncogene  polr1d  pomp  profiling  rnai  silencing  slc7a1  tcf7l2  unfinished  wnt 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?