• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 18799622)
  • 9
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (two hybrid, two hybrid)
  • HPRD (in vivo)



Gene Name AKT interacting protein hook microtubule-tethering protein 1
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 23 interactors: AKT1 ASS1 C10orf2 CTBP2 DZIP3 EXOC7 FAM160A2 GTF3C1 HOOK1 HOOK2 HOOK3 IMMT KIAA1377 MARCH5 PDPK1 POLA2 RPA1 TRIM23 TRIM41 UTP14A VPS16 VPS18 VPS41 18 interactors: AKTIP ANK3 CDC5L CDK4 FAM160A2 HOOK2 HOOK3 LMO2 SYCE1 TBC1D7 TFIP11 USP2 VPS16 VPS18 VPS39 VPS41 ZNF250 ZNF785
Entrez ID 64400 51361
HPRD ID 07467 07428
Ensembl ID ENSG00000166971 ENSG00000134709
Uniprot IDs Q9H8T0 Q9UJC3
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
apoa1bp  apolipoprotein  behaves  biophysical  cathepsin  cellulo  characterisation  ctsb  differently  forkhead  foxe3  implication  initiating  milieu  modules  mrnas  naturally  neighbouring  pg4  qrt  quadruplex  quadruplexes  recognises  render  scans  though  untranslated  utr  works 
6v3  akr1c2  amongst  appearing  bard1  beadchip  bisulfite  cdf15  cobra  coro2a  cyrillic5  diagnostics  dnajc12  humanwd  illumina  interrogated  normalcy  ntrk4  pppqr1b  s100p  sentrix  sfrp1  tff1  timp4  top2a  tp53ink1  tusc5  tuscapital  unmethylated 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
apoa1bp  apolipoprotein  behaves  biophysical  cathepsin  cellulo  characterisation  ctsb  differently  forkhead  foxe3  implication  initiating  milieu  modules  mrnas  naturally  neighbouring  pg4  qrt  quadruplex  quadruplexes  recognises  render  scans  though  untranslated  utr  works 
6v3  akr1c2  amongst  appearing  bard1  beadchip  bisulfite  cdf15  cobra  coro2a  cyrillic5  diagnostics  dnajc12  humanwd  illumina  interrogated  normalcy  ntrk4  pppqr1b  s100p  sentrix  sfrp1  tff1  timp4  top2a  tp53ink1  tusc5  tuscapital  unmethylated 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?