IRF9 and IFNA1

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 8454630)
  • 25
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro)



Gene Name interferon regulatory factor 9 interferon, alpha 1
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 19 interactors: ARID3B DACH2 DMRTC2 HOXC9 IFNA1 IRF1 IRF2BP1 MYO1F NFKB1 NR2E3 POU2F1 RELA S100A13 STAT1 STAT2 TLX2 TLX3 TOP1 VENTX 4 interactors: CR2 IFNAR1 IL2 IRF9
Entrez ID 10379 3439
HPRD ID 00960 00974
Ensembl ID ENSG00000213928 ENSG00000197919
Uniprot IDs Q00978 L0N195 P01562
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
antiviral  attenuated  defense  enhancement  essential  failed  guanylate  iav  ifn  impaired  induces  inducible  infection  influenza  interference  interferon  isg15  isg20  isgs  knockdown  knocked  oligoadenylate  p53  pretreatment  replication  retinoic  secretion  synthetase 
adjustment  altogether  colorectal  correction  covered  crc  czech  distant  etiology  formally  genotyped  ifna7  ifngr1  ifnk  irf3  irf5  irf7  multivariable  republic  rs2234711  rs2856968  rs6475526  snp  snps  warranted 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
antiviral  attenuated  defense  enhancement  essential  failed  guanylate  iav  ifn  impaired  induces  inducible  infection  influenza  interference  interferon  isg15  isg20  isgs  knockdown  knocked  oligoadenylate  p53  pretreatment  replication  retinoic  secretion  synthetase 
adjustment  altogether  colorectal  correction  covered  crc  czech  distant  etiology  formally  genotyped  ifna7  ifngr1  ifnk  irf3  irf5  irf7  multivariable  republic  rs2234711  rs2856968  rs6475526  snp  snps  warranted 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?