• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 12032305)
  • 131
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (affinity chromatography technology, fluorescent resonance energy transfer)
  • HPRD (in vivo, in vitro)



Gene Name transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 3 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 6
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 20 interactors: CALM1 FKBP1A GNA11 ITPR1 ITPR3 MX1 NAPA ORAI1 PLCB1 PLCB2 PLCB3 PLCG1 PRKCA PRKG1 SLC8A1 STX3 TRPC1 TRPC6 TRPC7 VAMP2 9 interactors: FYN ITPR3 MX1 ORAI1 RNF24 SRC TRPC3 TRPC7 TRPM2
Entrez ID 7222 7225
HPRD ID 15999 04710
Ensembl ID ENSG00000138741 ENSG00000137672
Uniprot IDs J3QTB0 Q13507 Q9Y210
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
channels  clamp  coexisting  crac  currents  electrophysiological  entry  existence  hek293  imax  imin  indicative  influx  ins  modes  modulators  native  norm  operated  patch  scarce  sensors  stim1  stim2  store  switch  talk  trpc1 
blocker  ca  casr  channels  depending  elicited  eliminated  exchanger  expressions  ip3  lymphocytes  nicl2  nps  plc  rise  sensing  sepsis  septic  skf96365  sr  stores  tg  thapsigargin  transient  trpc3  u73122  verapamil 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
clamp  coexisting  crac  currents  electrophysiological  entry  existence  hek293  imax  imin  indicative  influx  ins  modes  modulators  native  norm  operated  patch  scarce  sensors  stim1  stim2  store  switch  talk  trpc1 
blocker  ca  casr  depending  elicited  eliminated  exchanger  expressions  ip3  lymphocytes  nicl2  nps  plc  rise  sensing  sepsis  septic  skf96365  sr  stores  tg  thapsigargin  transient  u73122  verapamil 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?
channels  trpc3