TBC1D4 and EP400

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 12421765)
  • 28



Gene Name TBC1 domain family, member 4 E1A binding protein p400
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 14 interactors: AKT1 CDK5RAP2 EP400 FAM208A KIAA1551 NAV1 NFAT5 PIN1 RBM12 TET2 TOPBP1 U2SURP YWHAG ZMIZ1 4 interactors: ALAS1 MYC TBC1D4 TRRAP
Entrez ID 9882 57634
HPRD ID 18164 09378
Ensembl ID ENSG00000136111 ENSG00000183495
Uniprot IDs O60343 Q96L91
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more
Tagcloud ?
amp  elucidate  evidenced  fasting  glucose  glycogen  homeostasis  irs1  knock  lethality  member  mnuak1ko  motility  muscle  nuak1  null  oxidative  phenotypic  phosphoproteome  physiological  preferentially  senescence  ser  soleus  suppress  thr  tolerance  tyr  understand 
arid1a  ash1l  atlas  broadly  chd6  colorectal  concordant  copy  ep300  exome  gains  hypermutation  mismatch  mll2  mll3  nonhypermutated  prdm2  preexisting  profiled  proofreading  resembled  seq  signatures  silico  srcap  tgfbeta  trrap  uncertain  validating 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
amp  elucidate  evidenced  fasting  glucose  glycogen  homeostasis  irs1  knock  lethality  member  mnuak1ko  motility  muscle  nuak1  null  oxidative  phenotypic  phosphoproteome  physiological  preferentially  senescence  ser  soleus  suppress  thr  tolerance  tyr  understand 
arid1a  ash1l  atlas  broadly  chd6  colorectal  concordant  copy  ep300  exome  gains  hypermutation  mismatch  mll2  mll3  nonhypermutated  prdm2  preexisting  profiled  proofreading  resembled  seq  signatures  silico  srcap  tgfbeta  trrap  uncertain  validating 
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