RIN3 and RAB5C

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 12972505)
  • 26
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (two hybrid)



Gene Name Ras and Rab interactor 3 RAB5C, member RAS oncogene family
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 7 interactors: BIN1 RAB5A RAB5B RAB5C RABAC1 RGS2 TNFAIP1 10 interactors: APP APPL2 EEA1 RABAC1 RBSN RIN2 RIN3 SGSM3 TBC1D15 TBC1D17
Entrez ID 79890 5878
HPRD ID 11494 04947
Ensembl ID ENSG00000100599 ENSG00000108774
Uniprot IDs Q86U22 Q8TB24 P51148
PDB IDs 3U23
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
abca7  bin1  cass4  cd2ap  cd33  celf1  chapter  discoveries  drb1  drb5  epha1  fermt2  inpp5d  mef2c  ms4a4  ms4a6  nme8  picalm  pld3  psen1  psen2  ptk2b  slc24a4  sorl1  touch  trem2  trip4  unsuspected  zcwpw1 
cdc42  compartment  coordinately  cytomegalovirus  ectopic  encode  golgi  hcmv  herpesviruses  infectious  micrornas  mirna  mirnas  mirs  morphogenesis  noninfectious  rab11a  reorganization  resemble  secretory  sirnas  snap23  stacks  ul112  uncovered  us5  vac  vamp3  virion 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
abca7  bin1  cass4  cd2ap  cd33  celf1  chapter  discoveries  drb1  drb5  epha1  fermt2  inpp5d  mef2c  ms4a4  ms4a6  nme8  picalm  pld3  psen1  psen2  ptk2b  slc24a4  sorl1  touch  trem2  trip4  unsuspected  zcwpw1 
cdc42  compartment  coordinately  cytomegalovirus  ectopic  encode  golgi  hcmv  herpesviruses  infectious  micrornas  mirna  mirnas  mirs  morphogenesis  noninfectious  rab11a  reorganization  resemble  secretory  sirnas  snap23  stacks  ul112  uncovered  us5  vac  vamp3  virion 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?