PPP3R1 and CABP1

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 11108966)
  • 15



Gene Name protein phosphatase 3, regulatory subunit B, alpha calcium binding protein 1
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 8 interactors: CABP1 CABP2 CABP5 MAP3K5 NAP1L2 NFATC1 NFATC2 PPP3CA 9 interactors: CACNA1A CACNA1C CSNK2A2 FOS GRK5 ITPR1 ITPR3 NMT1 PPP3R1
Entrez ID 5534 9478
HPRD ID 03195 12025
Ensembl ID ENSG00000221823 ENSG00000157782
Uniprot IDs D3YTA9 P63098 C9J8G2 Q9NZU7
PDB IDs 1AUI 1M63 1MF8 2P6B 3LL8 4F0Z 2K7B 2K7C 2K7D 2LAN 2LAP 3OX5 3OX6
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
agouti  camk2g  cd47  chances  clstn2  consonant  enpp1  epha5a  gad2  gria3  grin2b  kif  minipumps  myo5a  negr1  neuroplasticity  ntrk2  ntrk3  prdx1  predecessors  serotonine  slc2a4  sv2b  syn2  synaptogenesis  synj2  therapeutical  venlafaxine  vlx 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
agouti  camk2g  cd47  chances  clstn2  consonant  enpp1  epha5a  gad2  gria3  grin2b  kif  minipumps  myo5a  negr1  neuroplasticity  ntrk2  ntrk3  prdx1  predecessors  serotonine  slc2a4  sv2b  syn2  synaptogenesis  synj2  therapeutical  venlafaxine  vlx 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?