APIP and VPS25

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 16189514)
  • 699
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (two hybrid)



Gene Name APAF1 interacting protein vacuolar protein sorting 25 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-related biomarkers ( 23144326)
  • Cystic fibrosis severity ( 21602797)
Protein-Protein Interactions 17 interactors: APAF1 C6orf165 IMPDH2 LNX1 NIF3L1 NUDT18 PDZD4 PPP1CC PSMA1 SDCBP SKP1 TNPO2 TSC22D4 VIM VPS25 WDYHV1 ZBTB25 10 interactors: APIP BEND5 CHMP6 CRLF3 REL RHOXF2 SNF8 SPRY2 TRIM27 VPS36
Entrez ID 51074 84313
HPRD ID 14725 14396
Ensembl ID ENSG00000149089 ENSG00000131475
Uniprot IDs J3KN82 Q96GX9 Q9BRG1
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
11p12  14q24  6q12  9p24  abcd4  acyp1  amplifications  cd109  cd274  commd9  coq6  cttn  fjx1  hbld1  interscience  jdp2  jpages  ltbp2  myo6  otscc  pdhx  pinpointed  ppfia1  q14  rln1  slc1a1  suppmat  trim44  znf410 
bmp  consequent  contexts  directs  endosomal  endosome  enu  escrt  fgf  fgfr  gestation  hyperactivation  hypomorphic  limbs  machineries  mutagenesis  mysterious  patterning  polydactylous  polydactyly  preferential  shh  sort  sorting  specification  survive  unperturbed  vacuolar  vertebrate 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
11p12  14q24  6q12  9p24  abcd4  acyp1  amplifications  cd109  cd274  commd9  coq6  cttn  fjx1  hbld1  interscience  jdp2  jpages  ltbp2  myo6  otscc  pdhx  pinpointed  ppfia1  q14  rln1  slc1a1  suppmat  trim44  znf410 
bmp  consequent  contexts  directs  endosomal  endosome  enu  escrt  fgf  fgfr  gestation  hyperactivation  hypomorphic  limbs  machineries  mutagenesis  mysterious  patterning  polydactylous  polydactyly  preferential  shh  sort  sorting  specification  survive  unperturbed  vacuolar  vertebrate 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?