NF1 and TBPL1

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 15767669)
  • 13
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo)



Gene Name neurofibromin 1 TBP-like 1
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 13 interactors: APP DNAJC7 FAF2 GRIN1 GRIN2D HRAS MYOG SDC2 SMAD2 SMAD3 SMAD4 TBPL1 VCP 15 interactors: ABCF3 APP GTF2A1 GTF2A2 GTF2B IRAK4 NDUFA6 NF1 PLIN3 PRNP PTCD3 RAB35 RPL10 SLC35F6 TNNT1
Entrez ID 4763 9519
HPRD ID 01203 09272
Ensembl ID ENSG00000196712
Uniprot IDs P21359 P62380
PDB IDs 1NF1 2D4Q 2E2X 3P7Z 3PEG 3PG7
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
american  artiodactyla  assigned  block  blot  cattle  chr  conservative  conserved  cow  electrophoresis  erbb2  hybrid  hybridization  localization  localized  means  mink  pepa  pig  prkca  rara  representatives  sheep  southern  swine  synteny  tk1  umph2 
133b  48h  blotting  cloned  colon  crc  critically  emerged  ht  http  listed  luciferase  micrornas  mimcs  mir  mirna  mtt  obviously  org  pgl3  putative  scrambled  slowed  sw  targetscan  till  transfection  utr  www 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
american  artiodactyla  assigned  block  blot  cattle  chr  conservative  conserved  cow  electrophoresis  erbb2  hybrid  hybridization  localization  localized  means  mink  pepa  pig  prkca  rara  representatives  sheep  southern  swine  synteny  tk1  umph2 
133b  48h  blotting  cloned  colon  crc  critically  emerged  ht  http  listed  luciferase  micrornas  mimcs  mir  mirna  mtt  obviously  org  pgl3  putative  scrambled  slowed  sw  targetscan  till  transfection  utr  www 
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