• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 2972276)
  • 8
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (enzymatic study)
  • HPRD (in vitro)



Gene Name membrane metallo-endopeptidase natriuretic peptide A
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 16 interactors: ADCYAP1 ADM AGT CSNK2A1 CSNK2B EDN1 EDN2 GAST LYN NDRG1 NPPA NPPC PIK3CB PIK3R1 SHC1 VIP 12 interactors: EPB41 ESR1 HNF4A MAGEA12 MME NPR1 NPR2 NPR3 NR5A2 RORB UBQLN1 UBQLN4
Entrez ID 4311 4878
HPRD ID 00392 00164
Ensembl ID ENSG00000196549 ENSG00000175206
Uniprot IDs P08473 P01160
PDB IDs 1DL9 1DMT 1QVD 1R1H 1R1I 1R1J 1Y8J 2QPJ 2YB9 1ANP 1YK0 3N57
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
adh  alb  albinism  arbitrarily  assortment  backcrossing  constitution  duplicate  electrophoretically  fumarate  glo  glucosephosphate  glyoxalase  gpd  homeologous  hydratase  intersubspecies  isocitrate  malic  mannosephosphate  midh  mpi  numbered  phosphorylase  provisionally  sme  sorbitol  sord  ssod 
biventricle  bv  cardiomyogenic  circuits  combinatorial  coordinately  cpcs  dimethylation  dissect  h3k27  h3k4  hampered  hand1  hey  hlhs  hypoplastic  ips  maldevelopment  malformations  nkx2  notch1  pluripotency  pluripotent  reconstitute  reprogrammed  signatures  sre  tbx2  tnnt2 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
adh  alb  albinism  arbitrarily  assortment  backcrossing  constitution  duplicate  electrophoretically  fumarate  glo  glucosephosphate  glyoxalase  gpd  homeologous  hydratase  intersubspecies  isocitrate  malic  mannosephosphate  midh  mpi  numbered  phosphorylase  provisionally  sme  sorbitol  sord  ssod 
biventricle  bv  cardiomyogenic  circuits  combinatorial  coordinately  cpcs  dimethylation  dissect  h3k27  h3k4  hampered  hand1  hey  hlhs  hypoplastic  ips  maldevelopment  malformations  nkx2  notch1  pluripotency  pluripotent  reconstitute  reprogrammed  signatures  sre  tbx2  tnnt2 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?