• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 19152073)
  • 1
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (affinity chromatography technology, pull down)



Gene Name BRCA1 associated protein cell division cycle 14A
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 15 interactors: BRCA1 CDC14A CENPF CNKSR1 DDB1 HMG20A HRAS NUMA1 SYNE2 TRIM41 TRIM55 TRIM8 UBE2H USP15 USP4 8 interactors: BRAP CDC25B CDC6 CHRM1 FZR1 KIF20A POLR2A TP53
Entrez ID 8315 8556
HPRD ID 05405 04614
Ensembl ID ENSG00000089234 ENSG00000079335
Uniprot IDs Q59H81 Q7Z569 F5H7B3 Q59EF4 Q9UNH5
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
centers  cns  complexity  epistasis  extraordinary  fail  fashion  fate  geographical  graded  gradients  hyperactivation  individualized  ksr  lis1  makes  mapk  midline  mitogenic  modulator  nde1  overlapping  overproliferation  precision  renew  scaffold  spatially  spatiotemporally  threshold 
adhesion  agilent  bioinformatics  cdkn1c  cdkn2a  clustering  col6a3  ctnna3  cycles  david  differentially  distinctly  dysregulated  experiment  focal  folds  go  hoxb4  hyperplastic  itgb6  oligonucletide  pairs  regulated  repeating  resources  scar  scars  tgfbeta1  twice 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
centers  cns  complexity  epistasis  extraordinary  fail  fashion  fate  geographical  graded  gradients  hyperactivation  individualized  ksr  lis1  makes  mapk  midline  mitogenic  modulator  nde1  overlapping  overproliferation  precision  renew  scaffold  spatially  spatiotemporally  threshold 
adhesion  agilent  bioinformatics  cdkn1c  cdkn2a  clustering  col6a3  ctnna3  cycles  david  differentially  distinctly  dysregulated  experiment  focal  folds  go  hoxb4  hyperplastic  itgb6  oligonucletide  pairs  regulated  repeating  resources  scar  scars  tgfbeta1  twice 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?