TIMP1 and MMP3

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 9288970)
  • 60
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro)



Gene Name TIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 1 matrix metallopeptidase 3 (stromelysin 1, progelatinase)
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 8 interactors: CD63 ECH1 EEF1B2 MMP1 MMP2 MMP3 MYOC RECQL5 18 interactors: ACAN BCAN CCL13 CCL2 CCL7 CCL8 DCN HAPLN1 IGFBP3 MEOX2 PLG SERPINE1 SPOCK1 SPOCK3 SPP1 TIMP1 TIMP3 TNFSF11
Entrez ID 7076 4314
HPRD ID 02371 01703
Ensembl ID ENSG00000102265 ENSG00000149968
Uniprot IDs B4DJK3 P01033 Q6FGX5 P08254
PDB IDs 1D2B 1LQN 1OO9 1UEA 2J0T 3MA2 3V96 1B3D 1B8Y 1BIW 1BM6 1BQO 1C3I 1C8T 1CAQ 1CIZ 1CQR 1D5J 1D7X 1D8F 1D8M 1G05 1G49 1G4K 1HFS 1HY7 1M1W 1OO9 1QIA 1QIC 1SLM 1SLN 1UEA 1UMS 1UMT 1USN 2D1O 2JNP 2JT5 2JT6 2SRT 2USN 3OHL 3OHO 3USN 4DPE 4G9L 4JA1
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accurately  another  applying  associations  biomarker  biomarkers  candidate  classifying  divide  egfr  embedded  escc  esophageal  ihc  kit  multivariate  p110alpha  p85alpha  panel  paraffin  pi3k  poor  prognosis  prognostic  risks  six  squamous  statistical  subgroups 
6j  adp  articular  blotting  c57bl  chondrocyte  chondrocytes  degeneration  eicosapentaenoic  epa  inc  intra  metalloproteinases  mmp13  mmps  nitroprusside  oa  orthop  orthopaedic  osteoarthritis  periodicals  poly  polyunsaturated  reduces  res  ribose  snp  society  wiley 
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accurately  another  applying  associations  biomarker  biomarkers  candidate  classifying  divide  egfr  embedded  escc  esophageal  ihc  kit  multivariate  p110alpha  p85alpha  panel  paraffin  pi3k  poor  prognosis  prognostic  risks  six  squamous  statistical  subgroups 
6j  adp  articular  blotting  c57bl  chondrocyte  chondrocytes  degeneration  eicosapentaenoic  epa  inc  intra  metalloproteinases  mmp13  mmps  nitroprusside  oa  orthop  orthopaedic  osteoarthritis  periodicals  poly  polyunsaturated  reduces  res  ribose  snp  society  wiley 
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