ADAM17 and PTPN3

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 12207026)
  • 24
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo, two hybrid, in vitro)



Gene Name ADAM metallopeptidase domain 17 protein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 3
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 14 interactors: DLG1 ERBB4 FHL2 MAD2L1 MAD2L2 NOTCH1 PTPN3 SH3D19 TGFA TIMP3 TNF TNFRSF1A TNFRSF1B TNFSF11 14 interactors: ADAM17 AKR1C1 CD247 DIP2A GHR LMO1 NXT2 VCP WDR6 YWHAB YWHAG YWHAQ ZAP70 ZCCHC10
Entrez ID 6868 5774
HPRD ID 04703 06767
Ensembl ID ENSG00000151694 ENSG00000070159
Uniprot IDs B2RNB2 P78536 B7Z3V3 B7Z9V1 B7ZA03 P26045 Q8N4S3
PDB IDs 1BKC 1ZXC 2A8H 2DDF 2FV5 2FV9 2I47 2M2F 2OI0 3B92 3CKI 3E8R 3EDZ 3EWJ 3G42 3KMC 3KME 3L0T 3L0V 3LE9 3LEA 3LGP 3O64 2B49
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
anchored  apma  arguing  betacellulin  bzatp  cd23  cd62  chimeras  constitutive  convertase  cytoplasmic  disintegrin  dispensable  domain  ectodomain  influences  influx  ionomycin  metalloprotease  metalloproteinase  motif  negatively  pro  retention  shedding  tgfalpha  translationally  transmembrane 
adaptor  advance  border  cascades  dephosphorylation  doi  dptpmeg  drosophila  egfr  endocytosis  eps15  ferm  homolog  impairs  lysosomal  morphogenesis  onc  oncogene  online  pdz  publication  raft  scaffolding  september  suppress  trafficking  tumorigenicity  wing  xenograft 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
anchored  apma  arguing  betacellulin  bzatp  cd23  cd62  chimeras  constitutive  convertase  cytoplasmic  disintegrin  dispensable  domain  ectodomain  influences  influx  ionomycin  metalloprotease  metalloproteinase  motif  negatively  pro  retention  shedding  tgfalpha  translationally  transmembrane 
adaptor  advance  border  cascades  dephosphorylation  doi  dptpmeg  drosophila  egfr  endocytosis  eps15  ferm  homolog  impairs  lysosomal  morphogenesis  onc  oncogene  online  pdz  publication  raft  scaffolding  september  suppress  trafficking  tumorigenicity  wing  xenograft 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?