• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 21988832)
  • 14
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (two hybrid)



Gene Name 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate mutase EH-domain containing 2
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 9 interactors: AKT1 ATF6 ATP4B CEL EGR2 EHD2 GAPDH GRB2 NEK3 13 interactors: AP1M1 AP1M2 AP2M1 BPGM DDX56 EHBP1 PICALM PICK1 RBSN SLC2A4 SPATA24 TAGLN2 TBC1D23
Entrez ID 669 30846
HPRD ID 01961 10434
Ensembl ID ENSG00000172331 ENSG00000024422
Uniprot IDs P07738 Q9NZN4
PDB IDs 1T8P 2A9J 2F90 2H4X 2H4Z 2H52 2HHJ 3NFY
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
biphosphoglycerate  congenital  csf3r  epo  epor  erythrocytosis  erythropoietin  exhibit  gelsolin  germline  haemoglobin  hereditary  inheritance  inherited  mendelian  mpl  mutase  mutational  myeloproliferative  neutrophilia  oxygen  pedigrees  sensing  syndromes  thpo  thrombocytosis  thrombopoietin  uncovered  v617f 
acted  adapter  converts  cytoplasm  cytoskeleton  deprived  deregulated  direction  e2  enrichment  fhl2  homer3  hydroxytamoxifen  mcf  modulator  oestrogen  oht  organelle  overlap  pf  rationale  remarkable  remodelling  reorganisation  reprogrammed  rhof  transcriptome  uncovered  unexpectedly 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
biphosphoglycerate  congenital  csf3r  epo  epor  erythrocytosis  erythropoietin  exhibit  gelsolin  germline  haemoglobin  hereditary  inheritance  inherited  mendelian  mpl  mutase  mutational  myeloproliferative  neutrophilia  oxygen  pedigrees  sensing  syndromes  thpo  thrombocytosis  thrombopoietin  v617f 
acted  adapter  converts  cytoplasm  cytoskeleton  deprived  deregulated  direction  e2  enrichment  fhl2  homer3  hydroxytamoxifen  mcf  modulator  oestrogen  oht  organelle  overlap  pf  rationale  remarkable  remodelling  reorganisation  reprogrammed  rhof  transcriptome  unexpectedly 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?