PLA2G2A and ALOX12

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 15474031)
  • 4
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo)



Gene Name phospholipase A2, group IIA (platelets, synovial fluid) arachidonate 12-lipoxygenase
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 24 interactors: ALOX12 BAG6 CEP70 CRMP1 DCN JOSD2 PLA2G1B PLA2R1 SENP6 SENP8 UCHL1 UCHL3 UCHL5 USP15 USP2 USP20 USP28 USP4 USP47 USP5 USP7 USP8 VCAN VIM 7 interactors: ITGB4 KAT5 KRT5 KRT85 LMNA PLA2G2A TRIB1
Entrez ID 5320 239
HPRD ID 01397 01066
Ensembl ID ENSG00000188257 ENSG00000108839
Uniprot IDs P14555 P18054
PDB IDs 1AYP 1BBC 1DB4 1DB5 1DCY 1J1A 1KQU 1KVO 1N28 1N29 1POD 1POE 2GNY 3U8B 3U8D 3U8H 3U8I 2ABU 3D3L
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
1p35  adenomas  adenomatous  alleles  borderline  characterised  colonic  disequilibrium  duodenal  fap  genuine  inherited  locus  modifier  modify  mom1  noncoding  p36  phospholipase  pla2s  polymorphic  polyposis  polyps  secretory  silent  sporadic  syntenic  undetected 
agxt  aim2  built  cpg  discriminate  discriminated  e85  epigenome  false  il10  jak3  lcn2  leukocyte  manifested  methqtl  obtainable  p1075  p180  p220  p348  p624  p817  p86  pac  penalized  resectable  smoker  statistic  zap70 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
1p35  adenomas  adenomatous  alleles  borderline  characterised  colonic  disequilibrium  duodenal  fap  genuine  inherited  locus  modifier  modify  mom1  noncoding  p36  phospholipase  pla2s  polymorphic  polyposis  polyps  secretory  silent  sporadic  syntenic  undetected 
agxt  aim2  built  cpg  discriminate  discriminated  e85  epigenome  false  il10  jak3  lcn2  leukocyte  manifested  methqtl  obtainable  p1075  p180  p220  p348  p624  p817  p86  pac  penalized  resectable  smoker  statistic  zap70 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?