• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 17577209)
  • 8
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (two hybrid)



Gene Name histone H4 transcription factor elongator acetyltransferase complex subunit 4
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 25 interactors: ATN1 CDYL2 EFTUD2 ELP4 GSPT1 JUND MBD2 MDC1 MIF4GD MKI67 MORF4L1 NIPBL NPDC1 POM121C PRRC2C RBM17 RBM26 RPUSD4 TLE3 TRA2B TRAF2 TRIM44 TTF2 U2AF1 ZNHIT1 2 interactors: HINFP PPP1CC
Entrez ID 25988 26610
HPRD ID 07387 07377
Ensembl ID ENSG00000109911
Uniprot IDs Q9BQA5 B4E3W0 G5E9D4 Q96EB1
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more
Tagcloud ?
acta2  amscs  architectural  cd105  cd73  cd90  chondrogenic  confluence  confluent  cyto  eng  fibroblastic  nes  npat  nt5e  pou5f1  renewing  rnaseq  sfrp2  sfrp4  successively  thy1  versatility  wisp2  wnt2  wnt2b  wnt5a  wnt5b  wnt7b 
assemble  assembly  atpase  atpases  bridge  cytoskeleton  detailed  elongation  elongator  elp1  elp5  elp6  exocytosis  gst  hexameric  holo  lacks  multiprotein  mutagenesis  pulldown  reca  ring  shaped  shed  signature  subcomplex  subcomplexes  trna  yeast 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
acta2  amscs  architectural  cd105  cd73  cd90  chondrogenic  confluence  confluent  cyto  eng  fibroblastic  nes  npat  nt5e  pou5f1  renewing  rnaseq  sfrp2  sfrp4  successively  thy1  versatility  wisp2  wnt2  wnt2b  wnt5a  wnt5b  wnt7b 
assemble  assembly  atpase  atpases  bridge  cytoskeleton  detailed  elongation  elongator  elp1  elp5  elp6  exocytosis  gst  hexameric  holo  lacks  multiprotein  mutagenesis  pulldown  reca  ring  shaped  shed  signature  subcomplex  subcomplexes  trna  yeast 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?