• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 9548757)
  • 36



Gene Name cathepsin K serpin peptidase inhibitor, clade B (ovalbumin), member 3
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 6 interactors: FGFR3 KNG1 LIG4 SERPINB13 SERPINB3 SPARC 5 interactors: CTSK CTSL CTSS MAPK8 UCHL5
Entrez ID 1513 6317
HPRD ID 03064 02745
Ensembl ID ENSG00000143387 ENSG00000057149
Uniprot IDs P43235 P29508
PDB IDs 1ATK 1AU0 1AU2 1AU3 1AU4 1AYU 1AYV 1AYW 1BGO 1BY8 1MEM 1NL6 1NLJ 1Q6K 1SNK 1TU6 1U9V 1U9W 1U9X 1VSN 1YK7 1YK8 1YT7 2ATO 2AUX 2AUZ 2BDL 2R6N 3C9E 3H7D 3KW9 3KWB 3KWZ 3KX1 3O0U 3O1G 3OVZ 4DMX 4DMY 7PCK 2ZV6
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
alkaline  alp  ccd  cleidocranial  cocultured  ctr  dental  dspp  dysplasia  heterozygous  interfered  mineralization  mineralized  mmp9  mononuclear  nodules  ocn  odontoblast  opg  osteoblast  osteoclast  partly  pulp  rankl  remodeling  retention  runx2  teeth  tooth 
autocrine  contributes  contributions  cysteine  emt  halted  il6  makes  malignancy  mammary  mechanistically  mesenchymal  neu  nonlethal  oncogenic  phenotypes  prolonged  promoted  promotes  promoting  protease  protumorigenic  scca1  sufficient  tumorigenesis  unfolded  upr  upregulated 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
alkaline  alp  ccd  cleidocranial  cocultured  ctr  dental  dspp  dysplasia  heterozygous  interfered  mineralization  mineralized  mmp9  mononuclear  nodules  ocn  odontoblast  opg  osteoblast  osteoclast  partly  pulp  rankl  remodeling  retention  runx2  teeth  tooth 
autocrine  contributes  contributions  cysteine  emt  halted  il6  makes  malignancy  mammary  mechanistically  mesenchymal  neu  nonlethal  oncogenic  phenotypes  prolonged  promoted  promotes  promoting  protease  protumorigenic  scca1  sufficient  tumorigenesis  unfolded  upr  upregulated 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?