• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 19779646)
  • 0
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (two hybrid)



Gene Name centromere protein E, 312kDa NUF2, NDC80 kinetochore complex component
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Testicular germ cell tumor ( 23666240)
Protein-Protein Interactions 10 interactors: BUB1B CENPF CUL1 DNAJB1 FANCA NUF2 SEPT7 SKP1 TRAF4 UBC 10 interactors: ATF3 AURKA AURKB AZGP1 CENPE CENPH DTNBP1 EXOC1 NDC80 SDCBP2
Entrez ID 1062 83540
HPRD ID 00316 10817
Ensembl ID ENSG00000138778 ENSG00000143228
Uniprot IDs Q02224 Q9BZD4
PDB IDs 1T5C 2VE7 3IZ0
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
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ags  aurka  aurkb  bop1  bub1  bub1b  ccna2  ccnb1  ccne2  cdc20  cdc25b  cdc25c  cdk5  cdkn1a  deoxyribonucleotides  earliest  foxm1  illumina  impdh  inosine  kegg  mcm2  monophosphate  mpa  mycophenolic  psrc1  rrm1  segregation  transcriptomic 
ams2  ams2p  bioinformatics  cenpa  centromere  centromeres  centromeric  cnp1  cnp1p  defining  disrupted  gata  identifies  incorporation  kinetochore  linker  mal2  microarrays  mis12  mis18  nucleosome  nucleosomes  participating  pombe  positioned  positioning  regularly  schizosaccharomyces  tiling 
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ags  aurka  aurkb  bop1  bub1  bub1b  ccna2  ccnb1  ccne2  cdc20  cdc25b  cdc25c  cdk5  cdkn1a  deoxyribonucleotides  earliest  foxm1  illumina  impdh  inosine  kegg  mcm2  monophosphate  mpa  mycophenolic  psrc1  rrm1  segregation  transcriptomic 
ams2  ams2p  bioinformatics  cenpa  centromere  centromeres  centromeric  cnp1  cnp1p  defining  disrupted  gata  identifies  incorporation  kinetochore  linker  mal2  microarrays  mis12  mis18  nucleosome  nucleosomes  participating  pombe  positioned  positioning  regularly  schizosaccharomyces  tiling 
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