TRIB1 and MAP2K7

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 15299019)
  • 60
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo)



Gene Name tribbles pseudokinase 1 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 4 interactors: ALOX12 MAP2K1 MAP2K4 MAP2K7 30 interactors: ARR3 ATF4 CFLAR CNKSR1 DUSP19 DUSP22 GADD45B JUN LPXN LRRK2 MAP3K1 MAP3K11 MAP3K12 MAP3K13 MAP3K2 MAP3K3 MAP3K4 MAP3K5 MAPK1 MAPK14 MAPK8 MAPK8IP1 MAPK8IP2 MAPK8IP3 MAPK9 RPL30 TRAF6 TRIB1 VRK2 ZAK
Entrez ID 10221 5609
HPRD ID 09863 04309
Ensembl ID ENSG00000173334 ENSG00000076984
Uniprot IDs Q96RU8 O14733
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
05x10  36x10  amd  americans  arms2  assuming  cetp  cfh  corrections  european  fundus  generalize  genomics  kctd10  lpl  mexican  mvk  photography  powered  rs10490924  rs1061170  rs1800775  rs2338104  rs328  rs6987702  singaporeans  strict  survive  uncorrected 
bag1  bcl2l2  bctis  ccna2  comprehend  ctsb  deregulations  fgf1  fosl1  gabrp  gsn  hnepi  id2  il6r  itgb4  klf5  klk5  microdissected  ngfb  ngfr  ontological  pappa  plau  scgb1d2  scgb2a1  serpinb5  serpine1  thbs1  thbs2 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
05x10  36x10  amd  americans  arms2  assuming  cetp  cfh  corrections  european  fundus  generalize  genomics  kctd10  lpl  mexican  mvk  photography  powered  rs10490924  rs1061170  rs1800775  rs2338104  rs328  rs6987702  singaporeans  strict  survive  uncorrected 
bag1  bcl2l2  bctis  ccna2  comprehend  ctsb  deregulations  fgf1  fosl1  gabrp  gsn  hnepi  id2  il6r  itgb4  klf5  klk5  microdissected  ngfb  ngfr  ontological  pappa  plau  scgb1d2  scgb2a1  serpinb5  serpine1  thbs1  thbs2 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?