• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 7628014)
  • 56



Gene Name protein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type, B contactin 1
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Protein quantitative trait loci ( 18464913)
Protein-Protein Interactions 10 interactors: CDH5 CNTN1 CNTNAP1 F11R GHR MAGI3 MET NRCAM TEK TNC 12 interactors: CNTN2 FYN L1CAM MAPK6 NOTCH1 NOTCH2 PPP1CA PRNP PTPRB SCNN1B TNC TNR
Entrez ID 5787 1272
HPRD ID 01474 07189
Ensembl ID ENSG00000127329 ENSG00000018236
Uniprot IDs B7ZKS8 F5H3G6 P23467 Q86VA4 Q12860
PDB IDs 2AHS 2H02 2H03 2H04 2HC1 2HC2 2I3R 2I3U 2I4E 2I4G 2I4H 2I5X 2EE2 3S97
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
accumulative  acknowledged  astrocytoma  chi3l1  chr1  chr22  clustering  crocc  daughter  discover  ecm  exome  gbm  hereditary  lymphatic  multiforme  narrow  pilocytic  players  pms2  pontine  predisposition  proximity  q12  siblings  snvs  striking  synonymous  underline 
axin2  axonogenesis  coding  dendritogenesis  interplay  inverse  maintaining  maturing  microrna  micrornas  mrnas  ncam1  negr1  neurite  neurotrophin  nrxn1  ontology  orchestrated  prkcb  pruning  represented  respective  rnas  sh2b3  synaptogenesis  temporally  tightly  transcriptome  verification 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
accumulative  acknowledged  astrocytoma  chi3l1  chr1  chr22  clustering  crocc  daughter  discover  ecm  exome  gbm  hereditary  lymphatic  multiforme  narrow  pilocytic  players  pms2  pontine  predisposition  proximity  q12  siblings  snvs  striking  synonymous  underline 
axin2  axonogenesis  coding  dendritogenesis  interplay  inverse  maintaining  maturing  microrna  micrornas  mrnas  ncam1  negr1  neurite  neurotrophin  nrxn1  ontology  orchestrated  prkcb  pruning  represented  respective  rnas  sh2b3  synaptogenesis  temporally  tightly  transcriptome  verification 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?