XAB2 and ERCC6

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 10944529)
  • 25
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro, in vivo)



Gene Name XPA binding protein 2 excision repair cross-complementation group 6
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 11 interactors: CACHD1 DHX16 ERCC6 ERCC8 GLIS2 ILF3 ISY1 POLR2A PPIE SMAD9 XPA 15 interactors: BRCA1 CHEK2 ERCC5 ERCC8 GTF2E2 HIST1H2AB HIST1H2BB HIST1H3A HIST1H4A PARP1 POLR2A RNF11 TP53 XAB2 XPA
Entrez ID 56949 2074
HPRD ID 18306 00596
Ensembl ID ENSG00000076924 ENSG00000225830
Uniprot IDs Q9HCS7 Q03468 Q59FF6 Q8N328
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
aspect  associates  atra  cockayne  corepressor  deacetylase  defining  dermatologic  embryogenesis  hl60  imr  interfering  lethality  mol  motifs  neuroblastoma  photoaging  physiologic  pigmentosum  preimplantation  preneoplastic  promyelocytic  raralpha  retinoids  rhabdomyosarcoma  splicing  tetratricopeptide  xeroderma  xpa 
abca1  adamtsl3  aiming  apc  crc  elac1  epha3  ephb6  excluding  exome  fbxw7  germline  kbiosciences  marginal  mll3  obscn  pkhd1  recessive  rs4987622  rs6464211  rs6947538  silico  smad4  snps  somatic  spite  strongest  syne1  trpv6 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
aspect  associates  atra  cockayne  corepressor  deacetylase  defining  dermatologic  embryogenesis  hl60  imr  interfering  lethality  mol  motifs  neuroblastoma  photoaging  physiologic  pigmentosum  preimplantation  preneoplastic  promyelocytic  raralpha  retinoids  rhabdomyosarcoma  splicing  tetratricopeptide  xeroderma  xpa 
abca1  adamtsl3  aiming  apc  crc  elac1  epha3  ephb6  excluding  exome  fbxw7  germline  kbiosciences  marginal  mll3  obscn  pkhd1  recessive  rs4987622  rs6464211  rs6947538  silico  smad4  snps  somatic  spite  strongest  syne1  trpv6 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?