MYO5B and RAB25

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 11408590)
  • 102



Gene Name myosin VB RAB25, member RAS oncogene family
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 14 interactors: AMOTL2 BNIP2 COIL CXCR2 KIAA1549 POLR1C RAB11A RAB11B RAB11FIP2 RAB25 RAB8A SMAD3 TCF4 TRIM54 13 interactors: ACVR1 BMPR1B ITGB1 MED31 MYO5B OPTN RAB11FIP1 RAB11FIP2 RAB11FIP3 RAB11FIP5 SMAD4 SMURF2 TGFBR1
Entrez ID 4645 57111
HPRD ID 07582 06698
Ensembl ID ENSG00000167306 ENSG00000132698
Uniprot IDs Q7Z7A5 Q9H6Y6 Q9ULV0 P57735
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
alleles  comprising  disequilibrium  dyslexia  english  enrichment  explores  german  germany  hereditary  language  linkage  loci  minor  nedd4l  nominal  reading  relevance  replicated  rs12606138  rs555879  rs8094327  scerri  sets  snp  snps  speaking  spelling  substantiate 
acini  acquire  alpha5beta1  basement  cargo  clic3  com  compartments  concert  correspondingly  drives  endosomal  endosomes  integrin  invasiveness  matrigel  mcf10dcis  metalloproteinase  mmp  mmp14  mt1  opposes  organotypic  plane  plugs  predicts  recycling  trafficking  transferred 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
alleles  comprising  disequilibrium  dyslexia  english  enrichment  explores  german  germany  hereditary  language  linkage  loci  minor  nedd4l  nominal  reading  relevance  replicated  rs12606138  rs555879  rs8094327  scerri  sets  snp  snps  speaking  spelling  substantiate 
acini  acquire  alpha5beta1  basement  cargo  clic3  com  compartments  concert  correspondingly  drives  endosomal  endosomes  integrin  invasiveness  matrigel  mcf10dcis  metalloproteinase  mmp  mmp14  mt1  opposes  organotypic  plane  plugs  predicts  recycling  trafficking  transferred 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?