IL6R and IL6

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 12829785)
  • 80
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo, in vitro)



Gene Name interleukin 6 receptor interleukin 6
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 10 interactors: ADRB2 CNTF ERAP1 IL6 IL6ST MAGI1 SRC STAT3 WWP1 WWP2 5 interactors: IL6R IL6ST PTHLH SH3GL2 ZBTB16
Entrez ID 3570 3569
HPRD ID 01000 00970
Ensembl ID ENSG00000160712 ENSG00000136244
Uniprot IDs A0N0L5 P08887 B4DNQ5 B4DVM1 B5MC21 P05231 Q75MH2
PDB IDs 1N26 1N2Q 1P9M 2ARW 1ALU 1IL6 1N2Q 1P9M 2IL6
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
adeno  adenocarcinoma  auto  batf  carrying  cd25  ctla4  folr4  foxp  foxp3  icos  il10  il21  intranasal  lag3  leucine  lung  lungs  orphan  pstat3  rorc  rorgammat  specification  squamous  th17  transducer  tumoural  zipper 
adapted  antisera  biosensors  biotinylated  catalyzes  coated  colored  colorless  conjugated  densitometry  easily  electrophoretic  ideal  immunosorbent  interfere  lends  manipulation  oligonucleotides  optical  peroxidase  plate  plates  reader  readily  recognised  robotic  shift  streptavidin  throughput 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
adeno  adenocarcinoma  auto  batf  carrying  cd25  ctla4  folr4  foxp  foxp3  icos  il10  il21  intranasal  lag3  leucine  lung  lungs  orphan  pstat3  rorc  rorgammat  specification  squamous  th17  transducer  tumoural  zipper 
adapted  antisera  biosensors  biotinylated  catalyzes  coated  colored  colorless  conjugated  densitometry  easily  electrophoretic  ideal  immunosorbent  interfere  lends  manipulation  oligonucleotides  optical  peroxidase  plate  plates  reader  readily  recognised  robotic  shift  streptavidin  throughput 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?