• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 9362483)
  • 7
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro)



Gene Name insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor aspartylglucosaminidase
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 14 interactors: AGA ATXN1 CREG1 CSNK2A1 CTSD GGA1 GGA2 GGA3 GZMB IGF2 PACS1 PLAU PLAUR PLIN3 2 interactors: ALB IGF2R
Entrez ID 3482 175
HPRD ID 00928 01949
Ensembl ID ENSG00000197081 ENSG00000038002
Uniprot IDs P11717 P20933
PDB IDs 1E6F 1GP0 1GP3 1GQB 1JPL 1JWG 1LF8 2CNJ 2L29 2L2A 2V5N 2V5O 2V5P 1APY 1APZ
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
acting  base  box  constitutes  copies  differentially  discrimination  distinguish  dmr  dmrs  embryo  encodes  erased  establishment  germ  gonads  imprint  imprinted  imprinting  includes  maintained  mark  methylated  methylation  novo  pair  parent  paternal  phenomenon 
agu  aspartylglucosaminidase  aspartylglucosaminuria  beyond  capability  cation  distributed  endocytosed  endocytosis  endocytotic  feasible  hydrolase  inactive  lysosomal  m6p  m6prs  mannose  n18  neuroblastoma  pc12  pheochromocytoma  punctate  soma  steps  storage  tagged  telencephalic  terminals  uptake 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
acting  base  box  constitutes  copies  differentially  discrimination  distinguish  dmr  dmrs  embryo  encodes  erased  establishment  germ  gonads  imprint  imprinted  imprinting  includes  maintained  mark  methylated  methylation  novo  pair  parent  paternal  phenomenon 
agu  aspartylglucosaminidase  aspartylglucosaminuria  beyond  capability  cation  distributed  endocytosed  endocytosis  endocytotic  feasible  hydrolase  inactive  lysosomal  m6p  m6prs  mannose  n18  neuroblastoma  pc12  pheochromocytoma  punctate  soma  steps  storage  tagged  telencephalic  terminals  uptake 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?