• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 15174051)
  • 39
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo)



Gene Name aspartylglucosaminidase albumin
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 2 interactors: ALB IGF2R 24 interactors: AGA AMBP APOE APP CRYAA CUBN F7 FCGRT HNF1A IMMT KLK3 LRP2 LUC7L2 NR5A2 ORM1 PFDN1 PON1 PRB3 RBP4 RYR2 SRGN ST13 TK1 YWHAG
Entrez ID 175 213
HPRD ID 01949 00062
Ensembl ID ENSG00000038002 ENSG00000163631
Uniprot IDs P20933 C9JKR2 P02768
PDB IDs 1APY 1APZ 1AO6 1BJ5 1BKE 1BM0 1E78 1E7A 1E7B 1E7C 1E7E 1E7F 1E7G 1E7H 1E7I 1GNI 1GNJ 1H9Z 1HA2 1HK1 1HK2 1HK3 1HK4 1HK5 1N5U 1O9X 1TF0 1UOR 1YSX 2BX8 2BXA 2BXB 2BXC 2BXD 2BXE 2BXF 2BXG 2BXH 2BXI 2BXK 2BXL 2BXM 2BXN 2BXO 2BXP 2BXQ 2ESG 2I2Z 2I30 2VDB 2VUE 2VUF 2XSI 2XVQ 2XVU 2XVV 2XVW 2XW0 2XW1 2YDF 3A73 3B9L 3B9M 3CX9 3JQZ 3JRY 3LU6 3LU7 3LU8 3SQJ 3TDL 3UIV 4E99 4EMX 4G03 4G04 4HGK 4HGM 4IW1 4IW2 4K2C 4L8U 4L9K 4L9Q 4LA0 4LB2 4LB9
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
agu  aspartylglucosaminidase  aspartylglucosaminuria  beyond  capability  cation  distributed  endocytosed  endocytosis  endocytotic  feasible  hydrolase  inactive  lysosomal  m6p  m6prs  mannose  n18  neuroblastoma  pc12  pheochromocytoma  punctate  soma  steps  storage  tagged  telencephalic  terminals  uptake 
ambulatory  anabolic  anthropometric  calls  capd  catabolism  causal  complicating  declined  deterioration  dialysis  haemodialysis  instead  malnutrition  mmol  nutrineal  nutrition  osmotic  peritoneal  phosphates  phosphorus  rule  solution  substituted  termination  transferrin  uraemic  urea  wilcoxon 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
agu  aspartylglucosaminidase  aspartylglucosaminuria  beyond  capability  cation  distributed  endocytosed  endocytosis  endocytotic  feasible  hydrolase  inactive  lysosomal  m6p  m6prs  mannose  n18  neuroblastoma  pc12  pheochromocytoma  punctate  soma  steps  storage  tagged  telencephalic  terminals  uptake 
ambulatory  anabolic  anthropometric  calls  capd  catabolism  causal  complicating  declined  deterioration  dialysis  haemodialysis  instead  malnutrition  mmol  nutrineal  nutrition  osmotic  peritoneal  phosphates  phosphorus  rule  solution  substituted  termination  transferrin  uraemic  urea  wilcoxon 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?