COL5A1 and MAG

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 2446864)
  • 8



Gene Name collagen, type V, alpha 1 myelin associated glycoprotein
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 10 interactors: BMP1 COL5A3 DCN LGALS3BP MAG PDGFA PDGFB SDC3 SPARC THBS1 18 interactors: APP COL1A1 COL2A1 COL3A1 COL4A1 COL5A1 COL6A1 COL9A1 COL9A2 COL9A3 FN1 FYN MAP1B MBP NGFR PLP1 PRNP RTN4R
Entrez ID 1289 4099
HPRD ID 00368 01160
Ensembl ID ENSG00000130635 ENSG00000105695
Uniprot IDs B2ZZ86 P20908 Q59EE7 P20916 Q53ES7
PDB IDs 1A89 1A9A
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
acan  adamts5  aggrecan  ameliorates  articular  chondrogenic  degradative  erosion  fibrogenic  fluorotagged  ha  hyaluronan  joints  macroscopically  meniscal  meniscus  mmp13  oa  periarticular  safranin  subchondral  synovium  tgfbeta1  treadmill  ttr 
abstract  anhydrase  bilayer  brains  carbonic  cnpase  coated  compact  concentrated  edema  enriched  enrichment  fractions  gray  matter  myelin  paranodal  periaxolemmal  plasmolipin  prompted  sevenfold  tet  tin  triethyl  vesicle  vesicles  virtually  wmcv  wmcvs 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
acan  adamts5  aggrecan  ameliorates  articular  chondrogenic  degradative  erosion  fibrogenic  fluorotagged  ha  hyaluronan  joints  macroscopically  meniscal  meniscus  mmp13  oa  periarticular  safranin  subchondral  synovium  tgfbeta1  treadmill  ttr 
abstract  anhydrase  bilayer  brains  carbonic  cnpase  coated  compact  concentrated  edema  enriched  enrichment  fractions  gray  matter  myelin  paranodal  periaxolemmal  plasmolipin  prompted  sevenfold  tet  tin  triethyl  vesicle  vesicles  virtually  wmcv  wmcvs 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?