FRA10AC1 and VPS29

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 16169070)
  • 531



Gene Name fragile site, folic acid type, rare, fra(10)(q23.3) or fra(10)(q24.2) candidate 1 vacuolar protein sorting 29 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 27 interactors: ADPRHL2 C21orf33 C7orf25 CCDC155 CHERP CWC27 DGCR14 EEF1D GDPD2 GLRX3 HABP4 IK LPPR4 MAP3K12 MFAP1 NKAP PRPF3 PRPF40A SAP30BP SF3B2 THOC1 TRIM41 TTC14 U2AF1 VPS29 ZCCHC10 ZNF830 5 interactors: APP FRA10AC1 RGS2 TBC1D5 VPS35
Entrez ID 118924 51699
HPRD ID 12319 09499
Ensembl ID ENSG00000148690 ENSG00000111237
Uniprot IDs Q70Z53 F8VXU5 Q9UBQ0
PDB IDs 1W24 2R17
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
branched  building  cargo  comprises  coordinate  dimer  dysregulation  endosomal  endosome  fam21  laboratories  nexins  operate  recruits  retromer  rme  snx1  sort  sorting  subcomplexes  trimer  tubulate  tubulating  tubulation  tubules  vital  vps26  vps35  wash 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
branched  building  cargo  comprises  coordinate  dimer  dysregulation  endosomal  endosome  fam21  laboratories  nexins  operate  recruits  retromer  rme  snx1  sort  sorting  subcomplexes  trimer  tubulate  tubulating  tubulation  tubules  vital  vps26  vps35  wash 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?