HSPA13 and POLE4

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 21900206)
  • 27
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (two hybrid)



Gene Name heat shock protein 70kDa family, member 13 polymerase (DNA-directed), epsilon 4, accessory subunit
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 8 interactors: BAG6 POLE4 RMI1 SGTA SSR1 UBQLN1 UBQLN2 UBQLN4 6 interactors: HSPA13 NFYB POLE POLE2 POLE3 UBE3A
Entrez ID 6782 56655
HPRD ID 03061 16238
Ensembl ID ENSG00000155304
Uniprot IDs F5GWS8 P48723 Q9NR33
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
apg1  forelimb  forelimbs  grp94  hindlimb  hindlimbs  hsp10  hsp105  hsp110  hsp20  hsp22  hsp25  hsp47  hsp60  hspb10  hspb2  hspb3  hspb4  hspb7  hspb9  hsps  oligodactylic  performs  phocomelic  trap1 
acetylase  acetylating  ada  ada2  ada3  atac  chrac17  coregulators  fam48a  gcn5  hereafter  invertebrates  machineries  map3  map3k7  mbip  nc2beta  p38ip  paralogous  pole3  saga  spt  spt20  spt3  staf36  staga  taf9  wdr5  yeats2 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
apg1  forelimb  forelimbs  grp94  hindlimb  hindlimbs  hsp10  hsp105  hsp110  hsp20  hsp22  hsp25  hsp47  hsp60  hspb10  hspb2  hspb3  hspb4  hspb7  hspb9  hsps  oligodactylic  performs  phocomelic  trap1 
acetylase  acetylating  ada  ada2  ada3  atac  chrac17  coregulators  fam48a  gcn5  hereafter  invertebrates  machineries  map3  map3k7  mbip  nc2beta  p38ip  paralogous  pole3  saga  spt  spt20  spt3  staf36  staga  taf9  wdr5  yeats2 
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