SOX9 and MED12

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 12136106)
  • 22
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (pull down, pull down, affinity chromatography technology)
  • HPRD (in vivo, in vitro)



Gene Name SRY (sex determining region Y)-box 9 mediator complex subunit 12
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Bone mineral density ( 22504420)
  • Liver enzyme levels (gamma-glutamyl transferase) ( 22001757)
  • Pulmonary function (interaction) ( 23284291)
  • Pulmonary function decline ( 22424883)
  • Thyroid hormone levels ( 23408906)
Protein-Protein Interactions 14 interactors: ATP6V1H CREB1 CREB3L4 CREBBP EP300 HERC1 HSPA1A KPNB1 MAF MED12 NR5A1 RUNX2 SPEN TRAF2 17 interactors: CDK8 ESR1 ESR2 GLI3 LYST MED1 MED13 MED26 MED29 MED8 MED9 MYC NANOG PPARGC1A SOX9 SREBF1 VDR
Entrez ID 6662 9968
HPRD ID 06427 02176
Ensembl ID ENSG00000125398 ENSG00000184634
Uniprot IDs P48436 Q93074
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
atoh1  atoh1a  atoh1and  conditional  coregulate  crest  determinant  ear  elusive  eya2  fate  fgf  fgfr  fgfs  ganglia  hair  ontogeny  otic  postfertilization  sag  segmentation  seq  sox9a  specify  statoacoustic  tlx2  ultricular  uncovered  zebrafish 
accounting  actionable  amplifications  borderline  cnas  confined  defines  deleterious  drive  druggable  exclusively  expands  ffpe  fibroepithelial  formalin  g44  grades  hotspot  identifies  landscape  mutational  neurofibromin  nf1  ngs  phyllodes  rb1  retinoblastoma  spanning  suppressors 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
atoh1  atoh1a  atoh1and  conditional  coregulate  crest  determinant  ear  elusive  eya2  fate  fgf  fgfr  fgfs  ganglia  hair  ontogeny  otic  postfertilization  sag  segmentation  seq  sox9a  specify  statoacoustic  tlx2  ultricular  uncovered  zebrafish 
accounting  actionable  amplifications  borderline  cnas  confined  defines  deleterious  drive  druggable  exclusively  expands  ffpe  fibroepithelial  formalin  g44  grades  hotspot  identifies  landscape  mutational  neurofibromin  nf1  ngs  phyllodes  rb1  retinoblastoma  spanning  suppressors 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?