• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 11441185)
  • 33
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro, in vivo)



Gene Name bone morphogenetic protein 4 chordin-like 1
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Colorectal cancer ( 19011631)
  • Dental caries ( 23259602)
  • Immune reponse to smallpox (secreted IFN-alpha) ( 22610502)
  • Parkinson's disease ( 19915575)
  • Primary tooth development (time to first tooth eruption) ( 23704328)
Protein-Protein Interactions 15 interactors: BGN BMP8B BMPER BMPR1A BMPR1B BMPR2 CHRDL1 CHRDL2 GREM2 HTRA1 NOG SOSTDC1 STAP2 TWSG1 ZFYVE9 1 interactors: BMP4
Entrez ID 652 91851
HPRD ID 00207 02285
Ensembl ID ENSG00000125378 ENSG00000101938
Uniprot IDs P12644 Q53XC5 Q9BU40
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
agonists  antagonists  apoptosis  bmp2  causes  complete  controlling  directly  embryonal  example  exert  identification  induce  malignant  members  p19  prevents  ra  regulate  requires  retinoic  retinoid  retinoids  specifically  sufficient  synergize  transforming  variety 
aberrantly  bmp  collectively  comparative  conspicuous  deregulated  detecting  examples  foxc1  gata2  gata3  homeobox  lef1  loucy  lymphoblastic  lymphoid  morphogenetic  msx1  nk  nkl  options  physiologically  pitx1  profiling  progenitors  quantification  silico  tal1  tox 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
agonists  antagonists  apoptosis  bmp2  causes  complete  controlling  directly  embryonal  example  exert  identification  induce  malignant  members  p19  prevents  ra  regulate  requires  retinoic  retinoid  retinoids  specifically  sufficient  synergize  transforming  variety 
aberrantly  collectively  comparative  conspicuous  deregulated  detecting  examples  foxc1  gata2  gata3  homeobox  lef1  loucy  lymphoblastic  lymphoid  morphogenetic  msx1  nk  nkl  options  physiologically  pitx1  profiling  progenitors  quantification  silico  tal1  tox 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?