S100A6 and CACYBP

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 12042313)
  • 20
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo)



Gene Name S100 calcium binding protein A6 calcyclin binding protein
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 11 interactors: ANXA11 ANXA2 CACYBP FKBP4 GAPDH MDM2 PEX5 PPID S100B SUGT1 TP53 13 interactors: CD8A DYT10 MAPK1 NGFRAP1 PINX1 S100A1 S100A12 S100A6 S100B S100P SIAH1 SIAH2 SKP1
Entrez ID 6277 27101
HPRD ID 00237 07316
Ensembl ID ENSG00000197956 ENSG00000116161
Uniprot IDs P06703 Q9HB71
PDB IDs 1K8U 1K96 1K9K 1K9P 1X5M 2A25 2A26
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
125i  annexin  ascites  ca2  calcyclin  cellulose  chromatography  chymotrypsin  database  dehydrogenase  depended  digested  eat  ehrlich  evidenced  extracts  gel  glyceraldehyde  homogeneity  ions  labelled  overlay  p30  phenyl  purified  search  sepharose  similarity  spleen 
3months  60s  brains  brdu  bromodeoxyuridine  calcyclin  candidates  comparative  diphosphate  disabilities  ds  dysregulated  e14  embryos  eminence  fingerprinting  ganglionic  ndpk  nucleoside  p0  pk  postnatal  proteomic  pyruvate  rplp0  spots  tk  transketolase  ts1cje 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
125i  annexin  ascites  ca2  cellulose  chromatography  chymotrypsin  database  dehydrogenase  depended  digested  eat  ehrlich  evidenced  extracts  gel  glyceraldehyde  homogeneity  ions  labelled  overlay  p30  phenyl  purified  search  sepharose  similarity  spleen 
3months  60s  brains  brdu  bromodeoxyuridine  candidates  comparative  diphosphate  disabilities  ds  dysregulated  e14  embryos  eminence  fingerprinting  ganglionic  ndpk  nucleoside  p0  pk  postnatal  proteomic  pyruvate  rplp0  spots  tk  transketolase  ts1cje 
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