ABCD4 and PEA15

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 16169070)
  • 531



Gene Name ATP-binding cassette, sub-family D (ALD), member 4 phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes 15
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 4 interactors: DLEU1 PEA15 SARAF XRCC6 18 interactors: ABCD4 AK9 AKT1 CAMK2G CASP8 FADD HTRA2 L1CAM LUC7L2 MAPK1 MAPK3 PANK4 PDPK1 PLD1 PLD2 PRKCA RPS6KA3 TERF2IP
Entrez ID 5826 8682
HPRD ID 04446 04579
Ensembl ID ENSG00000119688 ENSG00000162734
Uniprot IDs F8W7M4 O14678 B1AKZ3 B1AKZ4 B1AKZ5 Q15121
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
b12  biophysical  coa  cofactor  crosslinking  detergent  dilution  homodimers  impairing  inactivating  lmbd1  lmbrd1  lysosomal  mals  methionine  methylmalonyl  milieu  mmachc  mutase  nanomolar  plasmon  protecting  scattering  sec  solubilized  spr  vectorial  vitamin  whereby 
abeta  app  astrocyte  astrocytes  astroglial  clearance  clues  cortices  degraded  deposited  differently  enriched  extracellularly  milieu  offer  performing  phagocytosed  phagocytosis  phosphoprotein  precise  proteomic  ps1  quantified  surrounding  tag  tandem  understand  upregulated  verified 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
b12  biophysical  coa  cofactor  crosslinking  detergent  dilution  homodimers  impairing  inactivating  lmbd1  lmbrd1  lysosomal  mals  methionine  methylmalonyl  mmachc  mutase  nanomolar  plasmon  protecting  scattering  sec  solubilized  spr  vectorial  vitamin  whereby 
abeta  app  astrocyte  astrocytes  astroglial  clearance  clues  cortices  degraded  deposited  differently  enriched  extracellularly  offer  performing  phagocytosed  phagocytosis  phosphoprotein  precise  proteomic  ps1  quantified  surrounding  tag  tandem  understand  upregulated  verified 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?