MYL2 and GJB5

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 21988832)
  • 14
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (two hybrid)



Gene Name myosin, light chain 2, regulatory, cardiac, slow gap junction protein, beta 5, 31.1kDa
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Visceral adipose tissue adjusted for BMI ( 22589738)
Protein-Protein Interactions 9 interactors: CDC42BPA GJB5 LRSAM1 MYOC NHP2 PAK2 PPP1R12C TRIM63 USP6 5 interactors: GSK3B MED1 MYL2 PCGF2 TRIM2
Entrez ID 4633 2709
HPRD ID 01181 06840
Ensembl ID ENSG00000111245 ENSG00000189280
Uniprot IDs P10916 Q6IB42 O95377
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
calcium  carrier  cav1  channel  codes  computational  evidences  gla  herein  knockdown  messenger  mgp  mrfs  mscs  muscle  myh3  myogenesis  myogenic  myosin  myotube  retinol  satellite  signifies  t4  thyroxin  transportation  transthyretin  ttr  voltage 
5and  ascl2  compete  connexins  ctsq  cx  cx31  delaying  derivation  disparate  e10  e13  gjb3  id2  junctional  manifested  opposed  opposition  pl  placental  placentas  placentation  prl3b1  spaces  stereology  subpopulations  tgc  tpbpa  trophoblast 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
calcium  carrier  cav1  channel  codes  computational  evidences  gla  herein  knockdown  messenger  mgp  mrfs  mscs  muscle  myh3  myogenesis  myogenic  myosin  myotube  retinol  satellite  signifies  t4  thyroxin  transportation  transthyretin  ttr  voltage 
5and  ascl2  compete  connexins  ctsq  cx  cx31  delaying  derivation  disparate  e10  e13  gjb3  id2  junctional  manifested  opposed  opposition  pl  placental  placentas  placentation  prl3b1  spaces  stereology  subpopulations  tgc  tpbpa  trophoblast 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?