• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 24157836)
  • 1
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (enzymatic study)



Gene Name F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 5 snail family zinc finger 1
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 8 interactors: CSNK2B DCTN1 EP300 NABP2 ORC4 PLK1 SKP1 SNAI1 19 interactors: ACTN2 CTDSP1 CTDSP2 CTDSPL FBXL14 FBXL5 GSK3B HIST1H3A HOXD4 KRT31 KRT40 KRTAP10-3 LATS2 MID2 MTUS2 NOTCH1 NOTCH2NL RCOR1 TRIM23
Entrez ID 26234 6615
HPRD ID 05739 05025
Ensembl ID ENSG00000118564 ENSG00000124216
Uniprot IDs Q9UKA1 O95863
PDB IDs 3U9J 3U9M 3V5X 3V5Y 3V5Z 2Y48
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
cacybp  carrying  concept  demethylase  disability  dosage  encoding  epigenetic  functionally  homologue  insights  intellectual  interdependent  kdm5c  kdm5d  lysine  males  marks  methylation  neurodevelopment  neurodevelopmental  normally  occurring  parallel  promoters  scmh1  sex  shed  top 
aberrations  apart  aspect  ccnd1  clinicopathological  copy  covered  encompassed  endometrial  erbb1  erbb2  erbb3  erbb4  esr1  frequent  infiltration  insufficient  myometrial  pakt1  pgr  pik3ca  prom1  rad21  rad27  runx1  scgb2a2  snai2  top2a  younger 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
cacybp  carrying  concept  demethylase  disability  dosage  encoding  epigenetic  functionally  homologue  insights  intellectual  interdependent  kdm5c  kdm5d  lysine  males  marks  methylation  neurodevelopment  neurodevelopmental  normally  occurring  parallel  promoters  scmh1  sex  shed  top 
aberrations  apart  aspect  ccnd1  clinicopathological  copy  covered  encompassed  endometrial  erbb1  erbb2  erbb3  erbb4  esr1  frequent  infiltration  insufficient  myometrial  pakt1  pgr  pik3ca  prom1  rad21  rad27  runx1  scgb2a2  snai2  top2a  younger 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?