• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 21988832)
  • 14
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (two hybrid)



Gene Name ABI family, member 3 (NESH) binding protein frizzled class receptor 5
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 6 interactors: ABI3 CBX1 FZD5 GOT1 GRB2 MBNL1 11 interactors: ABI3BP GOPC GSK3B LRP6 LZTFL1 RGS2 ROR2 RPS6KA6 UBTD1 WNT5A WNT7A
Entrez ID 25890 7855
HPRD ID 09380 03427
Ensembl ID ENSG00000154175 ENSG00000163251
Uniprot IDs D3YTG3 Q7Z7G0 Q13467
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
angioedema  arachidonic  associations  aua  bicc1  chinese  clusters  col24a1  entity  fbxl7  galnac  genome  han  hlf  hypersensitivity  intolerance  nsaid  nsaids  rad51l  rad51l1  reached  rims1  scan  spanish  suffering  suggestive  t13  unrelated  urticaria 
aberrant  aberrantly  accessible  bcor  cd127  contributors  covering  cxcl14  fzd8  granulocyte  hes6  hic1  hypermethylated  hypomorphic  island  itpka  leukemic  megakaryocyte  prdm16  preleukemic  progenitors  pu  publicly  robo3  runx1  sca  shortage  tal1  underscoring 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
angioedema  arachidonic  associations  aua  bicc1  chinese  clusters  col24a1  entity  fbxl7  galnac  genome  han  hlf  hypersensitivity  intolerance  nsaid  nsaids  rad51l  rad51l1  reached  rims1  scan  spanish  suffering  suggestive  t13  unrelated  urticaria 
aberrant  aberrantly  accessible  bcor  cd127  contributors  covering  cxcl14  fzd8  granulocyte  hes6  hic1  hypermethylated  hypomorphic  island  itpka  leukemic  megakaryocyte  prdm16  preleukemic  progenitors  pu  publicly  robo3  runx1  sca  shortage  tal1  underscoring 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?