VPS37A and VPS28

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 15240819)
  • 34
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (two hybrid, in vitro, in vivo)



Gene Name vacuolar protein sorting 37 homolog A (S. cerevisiae) vacuolar protein sorting 28 homolog (S. cerevisiae)
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 6 interactors: APP HGS KDM1A TRIM42 TSG101 VPS28 27 interactors: ASF1A BLZF1 CARD9 CBX5 FABP3 FAM154A GABARAP GLCCI1 GOLGA2 INCA1 MBIP PDCD6IP PNMA5 RASSF5 SKIL SMN2 TCF12 TCF4 TRIM27 TRIM54 TSG101 UBA52 USHBP1 VPS37A VPS37B VPS37C VPS52
Entrez ID 137492 51160
HPRD ID 13410 11675
Ensembl ID ENSG00000155975 ENSG00000160948
Uniprot IDs Q8NEZ2 Q548N1 Q9UK41
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
acidic  alpha2  alpha2beta1  biogenesis  bodies  clustering  dil  downregulation  echovirus  endosomal  endosomes  enveloped  escrts  ev1  integrin  internalization  internalized  lbpa  live  lysosomal  lysosomes  multivesicular  mvbs  picornavirus  separate  tsg101  vesicles  vps24  vps4 
advancement  cd  connected  counterscreen  crohn  encodes  endosomal  immortalized  initiating  irrespective  multidomain  nod2  proinflammatory  regulators  relapsing  resource  revealing  reveals  screen  secretion  sensor  sorting  strongest  subnetworks  tnfalpha  usp8  validate  valuable  vesicle 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
acidic  alpha2  alpha2beta1  biogenesis  bodies  clustering  dil  downregulation  echovirus  endosomes  enveloped  escrts  ev1  integrin  internalization  internalized  lbpa  live  lysosomal  lysosomes  multivesicular  mvbs  picornavirus  separate  tsg101  vesicles  vps24  vps4 
advancement  cd  connected  counterscreen  crohn  encodes  immortalized  initiating  irrespective  multidomain  nod2  proinflammatory  regulators  relapsing  resource  revealing  reveals  screen  secretion  sensor  sorting  strongest  subnetworks  tnfalpha  usp8  validate  valuable  vesicle 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?