CD3E and CD3G

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 2138083)
  • 29
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro)



Gene Name CD3e molecule, epsilon (CD3-TCR complex) CD3g molecule, gamma (CD3-TCR complex)
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 19 interactors: CD3D CD3EAP CD3G CD79B CSK LCK NCK1 NCK2 NCL PIK3R1 PTPN22 SHC1 SNTA1 SYK TOP2B TRAT1 TRB UNC119 ZAP70 5 interactors: CD3D CD3E TRA TRB TRD
Entrez ID 916 917
HPRD ID 08923 07037
Ensembl ID ENSG00000198851
Uniprot IDs P07766 B0YIY5 P09693
PDB IDs 1A81 1SY6 1XIW 2ROL 1SY6
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
acp5  b220  calcitonin  calcr  cd11b  cd2  cd31  cd45  cd5  ctsk  dcstamp  dentin  dihydroxyvitamin  dmp1  facs  gfp  gr1  haematopoietic  lin  mepe  oscar  osteocyte  osteocytes  resolve  sclerostin  sost  tartrate  ter119  tnfsf11 
aurkb  bub1b  ccnb1  cd247  cd3d  cd8a  cdc20  cdca8  cenpa  cytoscape  dihydroxyfluorane  epstain  generank  hindering  itgb5  itk  kif2c  lcp2  limma  lymphoblasts  mad2l1  nup37  pik3r3  plcg2  prkcq  rpa3  softwares  vav3  zap70 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
acp5  b220  calcitonin  calcr  cd11b  cd2  cd31  cd45  cd5  ctsk  dcstamp  dentin  dihydroxyvitamin  dmp1  facs  gfp  gr1  haematopoietic  lin  mepe  oscar  osteocyte  osteocytes  resolve  sclerostin  sost  tartrate  ter119  tnfsf11 
aurkb  bub1b  ccnb1  cd247  cd3d  cd8a  cdc20  cdca8  cenpa  cytoscape  dihydroxyfluorane  epstain  generank  hindering  itgb5  itk  kif2c  lcp2  limma  lymphoblasts  mad2l1  nup37  pik3r3  plcg2  prkcq  rpa3  softwares  vav3  zap70 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?