LDB2 and ISL1

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 20211142)
  • 148
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (two hybrid)



Gene Name LIM domain binding 2 ISL LIM homeobox 1
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 12 interactors: ISL1 LHX4 LHX9 LMO3 LMO4 RASIP1 RILP RLIM SSBP2 SSBP3 SSBP4 TSNAX 20 interactors: APP CDK6 CDKN2B ESR1 ISL2 KDM1A LDB1 LDB2 LHX1 LHX3 LHX4 LMO2 LMX1A NR2F1 PECR RELA RLIM SMAD3 SSBP4 ZNF511
Entrez ID 9079 3670
HPRD ID 16022 02650
Ensembl ID ENSG00000169744 ENSG00000016082
Uniprot IDs B7Z2D3 E9PFI4 G5E9Y7 O43679 P61371
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
ablated  abundant  belong  belongs  brdu  crypt  endoderm  endodermal  gut  homeobox  intestine  isl1  isl2  islet1  ldb1  lhx  lhx1  lim  lineages  lmx1a  lmx1b  mesodermal  obligatory  patterning  prominently  quiescent  terminally  tracing 
3f8  achieving  antimouse  b4galnt1  binary  bm  concordance  enrollment  gd2  immunoglobulin  immunotherapy  individualize  individually  kaplan  killer  meier  missing  mrd  multivariable  neuroblastoma  os  pfs  phox2b  postmrd  postmrdsum  predictive  remission  sum  univariable 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
ablated  abundant  belong  belongs  brdu  crypt  endoderm  endodermal  gut  homeobox  intestine  isl2  islet1  ldb1  lhx  lhx1  lim  lineages  lmx1a  lmx1b  mesodermal  obligatory  patterning  prominently  quiescent  terminally  tracing 
3f8  achieving  antimouse  b4galnt1  binary  bm  concordance  enrollment  gd2  immunoglobulin  immunotherapy  individualize  individually  kaplan  killer  meier  missing  mrd  multivariable  neuroblastoma  os  pfs  phox2b  postmrd  postmrdsum  predictive  remission  sum  univariable 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?