TRRAP and EP400

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 11509179)
  • 82
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro, in vivo)



Gene Name transformation/transcription domain-associated protein E1A binding protein p400
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 16 interactors: ACTL6A ATXN7 BRCA1 BRD8 CTNNB1 E2F1 E2F4 EP400 ESR1 KAT2A MAX MRGBP MYC PYGO2 SKP1 TCF3 4 interactors: ALAS1 MYC TBC1D4 TRRAP
Entrez ID 8295 57634
HPRD ID 04310 09378
Ensembl ID ENSG00000196367 ENSG00000183495
Uniprot IDs Q9Y4A5 Q96L91
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more
Tagcloud ?
arid1a  ash1l  atlas  broadly  chd6  colorectal  concordant  copy  ep300  ep400  exome  gains  hypermutation  mismatch  mll2  mll3  nonhypermutated  prdm2  preexisting  profiled  proofreading  resembled  seq  signatures  silico  srcap  tgfbeta  uncertain  validating 
arid1a  ash1l  atlas  broadly  chd6  colorectal  concordant  copy  ep300  exome  gains  hypermutation  mismatch  mll2  mll3  nonhypermutated  prdm2  preexisting  profiled  proofreading  resembled  seq  signatures  silico  srcap  tgfbeta  trrap  uncertain  validating 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?
arid1a  ash1l  atlas  broadly  chd6  colorectal  concordant  copy  ep300  ep400  exome  gains  hypermutation  mismatch  mll2  mll3  nonhypermutated  prdm2  preexisting  profiled  proofreading  resembled  seq  signatures  silico  srcap  tgfbeta  trrap  uncertain  validating