• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 10518497)
  • 19
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (two hybrid)



Gene Name vestigial-like family member 1 TEA domain family member 2
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 4 interactors: TEAD1 TEAD2 TEAD3 TEAD4 6 interactors: BCL2L15 NCOA1 NEDD4 USF2 VGLL1 YAP1
Entrez ID 51442 8463
HPRD ID 06751 03432
Ensembl ID ENSG00000102243 ENSG00000074219
Uniprot IDs Q99990 M0R1T9 Q15562
PDB IDs 3L15
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
atlas  bbox1  brca1  c6orf211  carcinomas  coordinated  dataset  esr1  foxa1  foxc1  frozen  gabrp  gata3  hippo  intronic  luminal  microarrays  mirna  occasionally  prom1  seq  slc6a14  sporadic  structurally  taz  tcga  tn  vestigial  yap 
activates  activating  added  albumin  auto  bovine  bsa  capable  cleaved  confirm  efficiently  es  fbs  hc2  ialphai  inter  lif  maintenance  mes  nanog  oct  pluripotency  renewal  se  sub  yap  yes 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
atlas  bbox1  brca1  c6orf211  carcinomas  coordinated  dataset  esr1  foxa1  foxc1  frozen  gabrp  gata3  hippo  intronic  luminal  microarrays  mirna  occasionally  prom1  seq  slc6a14  sporadic  structurally  taz  tcga  tn  vestigial 
activates  activating  added  albumin  auto  bovine  bsa  capable  cleaved  confirm  efficiently  es  fbs  hc2  ialphai  inter  lif  maintenance  mes  nanog  oct  pluripotency  renewal  se  sub  yes 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?