IL10RA and IL10

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 8248239)
  • 37
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro, in vivo)



Gene Name interleukin 10 receptor, alpha interleukin 10
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 3 interactors: IL10 IL10RB JAK1 3 interactors: A2M IL10RA IL10RB
Entrez ID 3587 3586
HPRD ID 00911 00495
Ensembl ID ENSG00000110324 ENSG00000136634
Uniprot IDs Q13651 P22301 Q6FGW4
PDB IDs 1J7V 1LQS 1Y6K 1Y6M 1Y6N 1ILK 1INR 1J7V 1LK3 1Y6K 2H24 2ILK
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
bioinformatics  bmp2  calm1  cnaq  csf2rb  csf3  expressions  fifteen  gria2  il3ra  il6st  lifr  lymphatic  microarrays  myl9  mylk  myosin  nonsmokers  nsclc  paraneoplastic  pathohistological  plcb4  ppp2ca  rac3  rock2  thbs1  verify 
30min  ancestry  asks  asleep  habitual  ifng  ifngr1  il13  il17a  il1b  il1r2  il2  il4  il6  il8  interleukins  nfkb1  nfkb2  pittsburgh  rs1143623  rs1143642  rs1295686  rs2857602  rs4648110  rs4719714  soi  strengthens  tnfa  transgender 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
bioinformatics  bmp2  calm1  cnaq  csf2rb  csf3  expressions  fifteen  gria2  il3ra  il6st  lifr  lymphatic  microarrays  myl9  mylk  myosin  nonsmokers  nsclc  paraneoplastic  pathohistological  plcb4  ppp2ca  rac3  rock2  thbs1  verify 
30min  ancestry  asks  asleep  habitual  ifng  ifngr1  il13  il17a  il1b  il1r2  il2  il4  il6  il8  interleukins  nfkb1  nfkb2  pittsburgh  rs1143623  rs1143642  rs1295686  rs2857602  rs4648110  rs4719714  soi  strengthens  tnfa  transgender 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?