• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 15662014)
  • 56
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro, two hybrid)



Gene Name heat shock transcription factor 2 non-SMC condensin I complex, subunit G
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 16 interactors: CDC20 CDC27 CUL3 HSF1 HSF2BP MTUS2 NCAPG NUP62 PCGF2 PPP2R1A SUMO1 SUMO2 SUMO3 TPM3 UBE2I WDR5 3 interactors: CDK1 DNMT3B HSF2
Entrez ID 3298 64151
HPRD ID 00779 12097
Ensembl ID ENSG00000025156 ENSG00000109805
Uniprot IDs Q03933 Q9BS48 Q9BPX3
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
abiotic  ap2  brachiata  characterisation  chlorophyll  dehydration  dehydrins  dreb  electrolyte  erd10b  erd10d  germination  glutamic  halophyte  hsp18  hsp26  hyperionic  hyperosmotic  lea5  photosynthesis  plc3  salicornia  sbdreb2a  tf  tfs  transgenics  wildtype  wue  zfp 
annotations  birc5  cdca2  cdh3  cited1  dhfr  esco2  gins1  gins4  hells  mc1r  melana  melanocyte  melanocytes  melk  msg  ncaph  nusap1  oca2  pax3  pbk  rad54l  recapitulate  revolutionized  segregating  subclasses  tyms  unsupervised 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
abiotic  ap2  brachiata  characterisation  chlorophyll  dehydration  dehydrins  dreb  electrolyte  erd10b  erd10d  germination  glutamic  halophyte  hsp18  hsp26  hyperionic  hyperosmotic  lea5  photosynthesis  plc3  salicornia  sbdreb2a  tf  tfs  transgenics  wildtype  wue  zfp 
annotations  birc5  cdca2  cdh3  cited1  dhfr  esco2  gins1  gins4  hells  mc1r  melana  melanocyte  melanocytes  melk  msg  ncaph  nusap1  oca2  pax3  pbk  rad54l  recapitulate  revolutionized  segregating  subclasses  tyms  unsupervised 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?