WBP2 and PAX8

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 14531730)
  • 1
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo, in vitro)



Gene Name WW domain binding protein 2 paired box 8
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Renal function-related traits (BUN) ( 22797727)
Protein-Protein Interactions 10 interactors: CLEC4G ITCH MAGEA4 MAGI1 NEDD4 PAX8 SEPT3 WWP1 WWP2 YAP1 11 interactors: ANXA7 CHUK CXCL9 EP300 ID2 NKX2-1 PKM POU2AF1 SERINC1 SMAD3 WBP2
Entrez ID 23558 7849
HPRD ID 06097 01335
Ensembl ID ENSG00000132471 ENSG00000125618
Uniprot IDs A6NG10 B4DFG2 Q969T9 Q06710 R9W7C9
PDB IDs 2K27
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
athanogene  bag3  bcl2  cancerous  developmentally  e3  fnbp4  formin  guanylatekinase  ligase  magi1  modulator  nedd4  oncogene  oncogenic  oxidoreductase  pdz  property  rab2a  sgsm3  tumorigenic  unchanged  wbp2nl  ww  wwox  wwp1  wwtr1  yap1  yes 
absent  agenesis  ch  congenital  consequence  dysgenesis  ectopic  ectopically  familial  gland  hypoplasia  hypothalamic  hypothyroidism  implicate  initiated  neurological  newborns  occasionally  paired  permanent  pituitary  presumably  severely  siblings  sporadic  stimulating  td  though  thyroid 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
athanogene  bag3  bcl2  cancerous  developmentally  e3  fnbp4  formin  guanylatekinase  ligase  magi1  modulator  nedd4  oncogene  oncogenic  oxidoreductase  pdz  property  rab2a  sgsm3  tumorigenic  unchanged  wbp2nl  ww  wwox  wwp1  wwtr1  yap1  yes 
absent  agenesis  ch  congenital  consequence  dysgenesis  ectopic  ectopically  familial  gland  hypoplasia  hypothalamic  hypothyroidism  implicate  initiated  neurological  newborns  occasionally  paired  permanent  pituitary  presumably  severely  siblings  sporadic  stimulating  td  though  thyroid 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?