PLA2R1 and PLA2G10

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 11019817)
  • 11
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo, in vitro)



Gene Name phospholipase A2 receptor 1, 180kDa phospholipase A2, group X
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 2 interactors: PLA2G10 PLA2G2A 2 interactors: MYO10 PLA2R1
Entrez ID 22925 8399
HPRD ID 09222 04674
Ensembl ID ENSG00000153246 ENSG00000069764
Uniprot IDs B7ZML4 Q13018 O15496
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
2000s  alloimmune  ancestry  basel  cationic  come  definition  deposited  dqa1  endopeptidase  exaggerated  faithful  heymann  idiopathic  inspired  karger  membranous  mn  nephritis  nephropathy  opening  pathomechanisms  personalized  phospholipase  revisit  signatures  uncertainties  uniform 
adh1c  aldh6a1  aldob  apom  ces1  fads1  ftl  glo1  hemopexin  hnrpdl  loc644587  lrrc28  methylglyoxal  orosomucoid  pabpc1  polr2k  rpl14  rpl41  rpl8  rps17  rps24  rps5  snrpa  srp9  ssh  subtractive  underexpressed  zbtb11  zip14 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
2000s  alloimmune  ancestry  basel  cationic  come  definition  deposited  dqa1  endopeptidase  exaggerated  faithful  heymann  idiopathic  inspired  karger  membranous  mn  nephritis  nephropathy  opening  pathomechanisms  personalized  phospholipase  revisit  signatures  uncertainties  uniform 
adh1c  aldh6a1  aldob  apom  ces1  fads1  ftl  glo1  hemopexin  hnrpdl  loc644587  lrrc28  methylglyoxal  orosomucoid  pabpc1  polr2k  rpl14  rpl41  rpl8  rps17  rps24  rps5  snrpa  srp9  ssh  subtractive  underexpressed  zbtb11  zip14 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?