DPP4 and CXCL10

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 11390394)
  • 34
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro)



Gene Name dipeptidyl-peptidase 4 chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 10
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 16 interactors: ADA CCL11 CCL22 CCL3L1 CCL5 CD4 CPAMD8 CXCL10 CXCL11 CXCL12 CXCL9 CXCR4 DKK1 FAP GRP PTPRC 5 interactors: CCR3 CXCR3 DPP4 IGFBP7 VCAN
Entrez ID 1803 3627
HPRD ID 02187 00930
Ensembl ID ENSG00000197635 ENSG00000169245
Uniprot IDs P27487 P02778
PDB IDs 1J2E 1N1M 1NU6 1NU8 1PFQ 1R9M 1R9N 1RWQ 1TK3 1TKR 1U8E 1W1I 1WCY 1X70 2AJL 2BGN 2BGR 2BUB 2FJP 2G5P 2G5T 2G63 2HHA 2I03 2I78 2IIT 2IIV 2JID 2OAG 2OGZ 2OLE 2ONC 2OPH 2OQI 2OQV 2P8S 2QJR 2QKY 2QOE 2QT9 2QTB 2RGU 2RIP 3BJM 3C43 3C45 3CCB 3CCC 3D4L 3EIO 3F8S 3G0B 3G0C 3G0D 3G0G 3H0C 3HAB 3HAC 3KWF 3KWJ 3NOX 3O95 3O9V 3OC0 3OPM 3Q0T 3Q8W 3QBJ 3SWW 3SX4 3VJK 3VJL 3VJM 3W2T 4A5S 4DSA 4DSZ 4DTC 4G1F 4JH0 4KR0 4L72 4LKO 1LV9 1O7Y 1O7Z 1O80
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
albuminuria  ameliorate  bioavailability  capability  dipeptidyl  english  experimentally  glp  indirectly  insufficient  interfere  journals  language  march  microalbuminuria  microangiopathy  microvascular  modifying  nephropathy  neuropathy  nonincretin  peer  peptidase  preliminary  retinopathy  retrieved  scanned  ulcer 
a1  adds  allocation  apolipoprotein  beyond  biomarkers  composite  counting  deviation  ever  fourth  immunoassay  incident  individually  kallikrein  longitudinal  metalloproteinase  mi  multivariable  net  norway  platform  reclassification  roc  stepwise  thrombospondin  traditional  tromso  utilizes 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
albuminuria  ameliorate  bioavailability  capability  dipeptidyl  english  experimentally  glp  indirectly  insufficient  interfere  journals  language  march  microalbuminuria  microangiopathy  microvascular  modifying  nephropathy  neuropathy  nonincretin  peer  peptidase  preliminary  retinopathy  retrieved  scanned  ulcer 
a1  adds  allocation  apolipoprotein  beyond  biomarkers  composite  counting  deviation  ever  fourth  immunoassay  incident  individually  kallikrein  longitudinal  metalloproteinase  mi  multivariable  net  norway  platform  reclassification  roc  stepwise  thrombospondin  traditional  tromso  utilizes 
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