KXD1 and UTP6

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 16189514)
  • 699



Gene Name KxDL motif containing 1 UTP6, small subunit (SSU) processome component, homolog (yeast)
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 39 interactors: APPL1 ARHGDIG C4orf46 CCDC185 CCDC33 CEP170P1 CEP19 CEP63 DYRK2 EWSR1 EXOC5 EXOC7 FXR2 HAUS1 IFT20 ING5 ITSN2 KRT81 LMO3 LNX1 LRRC45 MAP1LC3A MAP1LC3B MCRS1 MOB1A MYH7 NIF3L1 NUDT18 RABGEF1 RNF183 RPL9 STX11 TCEB3B TPM1 TPM3 UTP6 ZBTB25 ZC4H2 ZNF417 3 interactors: CCDC85B KXD1 RHOXF2
Entrez ID 79036 55813
HPRD ID 14526 11020
Ensembl ID ENSG00000105700
Uniprot IDs Q9BQD3 Q9NYH9
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
adamts16  ambiguous  biopsies  capacities  cen17  cish  commercially  concordance  copy  deserves  diploidy  embedded  expensive  fish  french  gold  ish  lap3  mks1  mrm1  paraffin  participating  polysomy  primer  qpcr  sish  sstr2  taok1  tsn 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
adamts16  ambiguous  biopsies  capacities  cen17  cish  commercially  concordance  copy  deserves  diploidy  embedded  expensive  fish  french  gold  ish  lap3  mks1  mrm1  paraffin  participating  polysomy  primer  qpcr  sish  sstr2  taok1  tsn 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?