GIN1 and CPSF6

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 16189514)
  • 699



Gene Name gypsy retrotransposon integrase 1 cleavage and polyadenylation specific factor 6, 68kDa
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 1 interactors: CPSF6 23 interactors: APBB1 ARMC7 CSNK2A1 EWSR1 GIN1 ITCH ITSN2 KLHL12 NCK2 NEDD4 NUDT21 OTUB2 PLSCR1 PPIL1 PRPF40A SRSF7 TCERG1 TOLLIP UBAC1 UBQLN4 WBP4 WWP1 WWP2
Entrez ID 54826 11052
HPRD ID 07878 05401
Ensembl ID ENSG00000145723 ENSG00000111605
Uniprot IDs Q9NXP7 B4DSU9 Q16630
PDB IDs 3P5T 3P6Y 3Q2S 3Q2T 4B4N
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more
Tagcloud ?
abi4  accessions  adg1  anabolism  bam3  catabolism  col  diurnal  exploit  floral  gin2  gin6  hst1  incompetence  juvenile  juvenility  lengths  ler  lhp1  longest  pgm1  phytohormonal  repressors  sex1  sex4  shortest  tfl1  tfl2  ws 
abilities  assembled  believe  bi  bi2  ca  cai  capsid  complexes  core  crowding  cyclophilin  cyclosporine  destabilize  destabilized  destabilizes  extracts  fate  hiv  ixn  macromolecular  nc  pf74  powerful  productive  solely  stability  stabilize  stabilized 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
abi4  accessions  adg1  anabolism  bam3  catabolism  col  diurnal  exploit  floral  gin2  gin6  hst1  incompetence  juvenile  juvenility  lengths  ler  lhp1  longest  pgm1  phytohormonal  repressors  sex1  sex4  shortest  tfl1  tfl2  ws 
abilities  assembled  believe  bi  bi2  ca  cai  capsid  complexes  core  crowding  cyclophilin  cyclosporine  destabilize  destabilized  destabilizes  extracts  fate  hiv  ixn  macromolecular  nc  pf74  powerful  productive  solely  stability  stabilize  stabilized 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?