• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 7729685)
  • 106
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vivo)



Gene Name homeobox B6 homeobox B7
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
Protein-Protein Interactions 12 interactors: ALX4 CLK3 CREBBP CSNK2B EP300 HOXB7 KRT15 PKNOX1 PLSCR1 SAT1 TCEAL1 TCF21 13 interactors: APP CLK3 CREBBP CSNK2A1 EP300 GMNN HOXB6 IRAK3 NFKBIA PARP1 PBX1 PKNOX1 XRCC6
Entrez ID 3216 3217
HPRD ID 00849 00850
Ensembl ID ENSG00000108511 ENSG00000260027
Uniprot IDs P17509 P09629
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
11q23  amls  blockade  cbfbeta  encode  enforced  eto  granulocytic  granulocytopoiesis  granulopoiesis  hematopoiesis  hl60  homeobox  implies  leukemic  leukemogenesis  maturation  mll  monocytic  monocytopoiesis  morphogenic  myeloblastic  myh11  nb4  phases  promyelocytic  rearrangements  transiently  translocations 
acquisition  autonomous  beta2  depleted  dramatically  emt  knockdown  luciferase  m2  macrophage  mb  mda  mesenchymal  metastasis  mmtv  neu  overexpressing  pharmacologic  phenotypes  promoted  promotes  relevance  reversed  smad3  tam  tams  tgf  transgenic 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
11q23  amls  blockade  cbfbeta  encode  enforced  eto  granulocytic  granulocytopoiesis  granulopoiesis  hematopoiesis  hl60  homeobox  implies  leukemic  leukemogenesis  maturation  mll  monocytic  monocytopoiesis  morphogenic  myeloblastic  myh11  nb4  phases  promyelocytic  rearrangements  transiently  translocations 
acquisition  autonomous  beta2  depleted  dramatically  emt  knockdown  luciferase  m2  macrophage  mb  mda  mesenchymal  metastasis  mmtv  neu  overexpressing  pharmacologic  phenotypes  promoted  promotes  relevance  reversed  smad3  tam  tams  tgf  transgenic 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?