• Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 11287421)
  • 55
  • Data Source:
  • HPRD (in vitro)



Gene Name Kv channel interacting protein 2 potassium channel, voltage gated Shal related subfamily D, member 2
Image No pdb structure No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Alcohol and nictotine co-dependence ( 22488850)
  • Immune reponse to smallpox (secreted IL-12p40) ( 22610502)
Protein-Protein Interactions 3 interactors: KCND2 KCND3 KCNIP1 8 interactors: DLG4 DPP10 FLNC IL16 KCNIP1 KCNIP2 KCNIP4 NCS1
Entrez ID 30819 3751
HPRD ID 06880 09254
Ensembl ID ENSG00000120049 ENSG00000184408
Uniprot IDs B3KSZ5 Q3YAC7 Q9NS61 A4D0V9 Q75LS7 Q9NZV8
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners?
Tagcloud ?
ablate  addressed  apd  arrhythmias  arrhythmogenesis  augmented  beats  caffeine  cardiomyocytes  cofactors  establishment  h3k4me  h3k4me3  harbinger  heritable  inducibly  initiating  interacting  isoproterenol  kv  marks  methyltransferases  pax  premature  ptip  repolarization  upstroke  velocity  ventricular 
channel  classes  custom  excitability  gated  genotyping  gmm  haplotype  intriguing  inwardly  kcna1  kcnj3  kcnj6  kcnk9  latent  member  membership  mild  monthly  pain  persistent  postsurgical  potassium  rectifying  snps  subfamily  variations  voltage  warrant 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
ablate  addressed  apd  arrhythmias  arrhythmogenesis  augmented  beats  caffeine  cardiomyocytes  cofactors  establishment  h3k4me  h3k4me3  harbinger  heritable  inducibly  initiating  interacting  isoproterenol  kv  marks  methyltransferases  pax  premature  ptip  repolarization  upstroke  velocity  ventricular 
channel  classes  custom  excitability  gated  genotyping  gmm  haplotype  intriguing  inwardly  kcna1  kcnj3  kcnj6  kcnk9  latent  member  membership  mild  monthly  pain  persistent  postsurgical  potassium  rectifying  snps  subfamily  variations  voltage  warrant 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?