GPS2 and CNOT2

  • Number of citations of the paper that reports this interaction (PMID 16712523)
  • 7
  • Data Source:
  • BioGRID (two hybrid)



Gene Name G protein pathway suppressor 2 CCR4-NOT transcription complex, subunit 2
Image No pdb structure
Gene Ontology Annotations Cellular Component
Molecular Function
Biological Process
  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (age of onset) ( 22959728)
Protein-Protein Interactions 23 interactors: ATF4 C19orf57 CCNA1 CHD3 CNOT2 EP300 GOLGA2 HDAC1 HDAC3 KRT31 MAP3K7CL NCOR1 NR0B2 PBK RALBP1 RBPMS SESTD1 SETDB1 SPDL1 TBL1X TBL1XR1 TFIP11 TP53 7 interactors: CNOT1 CNOT3 CNOT8 DDB1 GPS2 NCOR1 NCOR2
Entrez ID 2874 4848
HPRD ID 11878 05367
Ensembl ID ENSG00000132522 ENSG00000111596
Uniprot IDs Q13227 B2RDX7 B3KTL6 Q9NZN8
Enriched GO Terms of Interacting Partners? See more See more
Tagcloud ?
abnormal  assigned  calculated  cop  count  css  escc  esophageal  esophagectomy  follows  glasgow  gps0  gps1  hypoalbuminemia  indexes  kaplan  log  lymphocyte  meier  neutrophil  nlr  nlr0  nlr1  nlr2  platelet  predicts  prognostic  rank 
11q23  12q11  12q14  12q15  12q21  17q11  17q12  3p12  6p21  6q21  6q23  9p13  9p21  acc  accs  adenoid  amplicons  ccnd3  cnas  glipr1l1  mec  mecs  mucoepidermoid  numa1  pax5  pvrl1  rab3ip  sdc  statuses 
Tagcloud (Difference) ?
abnormal  assigned  calculated  cop  count  css  escc  esophageal  esophagectomy  follows  glasgow  gps0  gps1  hypoalbuminemia  indexes  kaplan  log  lymphocyte  meier  neutrophil  nlr  nlr0  nlr1  nlr2  platelet  predicts  prognostic  rank 
11q23  12q11  12q14  12q15  12q21  17q11  17q12  3p12  6p21  6q21  6q23  9p13  9p21  acc  accs  adenoid  amplicons  ccnd3  cnas  glipr1l1  mec  mecs  mucoepidermoid  numa1  pax5  pvrl1  rab3ip  sdc  statuses 
Tagcloud (Intersection) ?